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Manufacturing: Research on industry goods manufacturing and consumer goods manufacturing

工业品制造业市场研究 Market research on industry goods manufacturing

消费品制造业市场研究 Market research on consumer goods manufacturing


北方纵横研家,凭借业调研课题的深刻理解,凭借其具特色的工业数据采集 / 究方法,曾成功主持过对国内会经济产生重要影的全业领专项调查,完成中外客委托的上百项品市场调查研课题得越越多工业青睐

Bei fang zong heng focus on market research of industry in China in a long time period and it is one of the earliest professional firms for market research of industry goods in China. The research specialist in bei fang zong heng, according to deeply understanding of research on industry and its’ special industry data collection and research methodology, they have successfully carried out domestic industry special research which has leading affection on domestic social economics and they also have finished hundreds of research topics on industry market which provided by domestic and international customers. And also, there are more and more industry enterprises trust on them.     


Enterprises, government and non-government organization are the mainly participants in industry market transaction. Therefore, the mainly objects (Respondents) in industry research are industry enterprises and relevant organization (government, industry organization, re-sale, organization customer and so on). On the other hand, they are the professional managers and leaders who are able to reveal the truly situation within industry enterprises and relevant organization. Most of visitors are willing to co-operate with the data-collection operating by bei fang zong heng. Sometimes, the researchers from bei fang zong heng are able to get contact with the enterprises’ director or senior managers within the firm directly so that they can get the first hand primary data for their industry research purposes. Bei fang zong heng have got the most favorable channel for data collection in the mainly sectors in industry research.  


The deeply understanding and superb research ability on industry research topics by bei fang zong heng comes from the long-time professional research experience and the very wide range of acknowledge of China mainly industry field and industry market. The professional researchers co–operate with others from industry management department and industry associations added more efficient data support for industry research carried by bei fang zong heng. 



The industry market research by bei fang zong heng mentioned the mainly issues that most of enterprises focus on as below:

业规业结构研究 Industry size and industry structure research

业发趋势研究 Research on the prediction of the industry development

集中度与业内领先企业研究 Industry concentration and leading enterprises research

会与业风险研究 Industry opportunity and industry risk research

业竞争格局究 Industry competition structure research

产品的市场表现 Market behavior of the products

产品用户研究 Research on products’ users

产品使用与态度研究 Research on products usage and attitudes

产品与竞争品牌的比较研究 Research on products and competition brand’s compare

产品生命周期研究 Research on products’ life cycle

创造新产品概念与产品概念考察 Definition of new product creation and research on definition of product

售渠道究 Research on sale channel

分市场研究 Research on market segments

为与户满意度究 Research on users’ satisfactory

场规场份额研究 Research on market size and occupation



Bei fang zong heng accumulate research experience in the industry manufacturing sector show as below:

车与配件 Vehicle and vehicle replacements

制造业 Vehicle manufacturing

零部件制造,   Vehicle parts manufacturing  

配件供应链研究 Research on vehicle parts chain

重点工业研[对标,竞争对,重要合作]  Research on emphasis industry enterprises [competitors, important partners]

冶金石油制品业业[滑油,钢铁与有色金Metallurgy and Petroleum Products Industry [Oil, steel and non-ferrous metal smelting]

设备制造[ATM机等自助银行设备,纸币清分机及其他Bank equipment manufacturing [ATM machines and other self-service banking equipment, banknote sorter and others]

输变电设备制造业业[电线电缆,变压,开关控制设备及其他Power transmission equipment manufacturing industry [wires and cables, transformers, switches and other control equipment]

IT设备制造[算机整机,网络设备, 数据存储设备及其他]  IT equipment manufacturing [computer machine, network equipment, data storage devices and other]

子元器件制造业业[体器件,集成路,继电Electronic Component Manufacturing [semiconductor devices, integrated circuits, relays]

建筑材料业业[管道,塑料管材,建筑陶瓷,电热管及其他Building and industrial materials industry [insulation pipes, plastic pipes, building ceramics, heating pipes and other]

机械设备制造[印刷机械,料生产设备,洁清设备,其他专用设备Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing [printing machinery, beverage production equipment, cleaning equipment, other specialized equipment]

水工业与气体工[,设备,水表,,,业气,气处设备等Water industry and gas industry [water, water treatment equipment, water meters, pumps, gas, industrial gases, air handling equipment]

家用费电[家用设备,空房家,小家,手机,消费电Household appliances and consumer electronics [home audio-visual equipment, air conditioning, kitchen appliances, small appliances, cell phones, consumer electronics]

食品与医药[医药和保健食品,生食品,速速食品,方便食品,Food, beverage and pharmaceutical [medicine and health food, fresh food, fast frozen food, convenience food, beverage]

体育用品与运动[体育器材,运动场所,运动服,运动Sporting goods and sportswear [sports equipment, sports, sportswear, sports shoes]

黄金制品 Gold Products



Models successful used over industrial areas by bei fang zong heng:

产业环究模型 Industrial environmental research model

场竞争分析模型 Competitive market analysis model

场规模推估模型 Market size estimation model

户满意度究模型 Customer satisfaction research model

大客需求究模型 Premium customer demands research model

售渠道究模型 Sales channel research model

场细究模型 Market segmentation research model



Examples on Industrial market research

水表市场调查数告 China water meter market survey data report

零部件行业研告 China auto parts industry report

电与单变压器市场状况调研报告 China high voltage power distribution with single-phase transformer market research report

国电变压器市场报告 China power transformer market report

国涡轮器市场调查报告 China turbocharger market research report

四大石油化工集团暨石化产业发告 Four Sinopec and China petroleum and chemical industry group report

国华东南地业与场调查研告 East China, South China gas industry and market research reports

国内银行系统现金中心调查--暨现金中心理机械化调研报告 Domestic banking system cash Center survey - banknote processing center-cum-cash mechanization research report

纸币专设备需求重点供商基本状况调查研告 Banknotes special equipment needs and key supplier basic survey research report

线局域网设备制造业与场调查研报告 China wireless LAN equipment manufacturing and market research study report

配套管市场调查 Chinese home appliance market research supporting electric heating pipe

医药识产权护状况调查 Survey pharmaceutical companies to protect intellectual property

国内塑料管材品牌格局品牌知名度调查 Pattern of domestic plastic pipe brand and brand awareness survey

国内重点轿车配件营销调查研告 Accessories key domestic car companies marketing research report

国内制造业企业信息管理系统建设与应用现状调查报告 Construction and application of domestic manufacturing enterprise information management system investigation report


业研告 China automotive services industry report

国医药品牌知名度调查研告 Chinese medicine brand research report

中国家电售后服务市场研究 Chinese appliance service market research

中国重点家电品牌知名度调研 Chinese home appliance brand research

国电啡壶场与重点制造商调查 China electric coffee maker market surveys and manufacturers

体育用品市场监测与竞争环境研究 Competition in the sporting goods market monitoring and environmental studies

生保健产品进入市场的产业环境研究 Health care products in the market research industry environment

鲜榨果汁产品产业环境研究 Fresh fruit juice products in the market research industry environment

国外饮食产品进入中国市场可行性分析 Foreign food products enter the Chinese market feasibility analysis

中国超大型平板电视市场研究 China large flat-panel TV market research




Industry Market Research on part of the customers

芝中国 Toshiba, China

三星中国 Sumsung, China

戴尔中国 Dell, China

阿拉德国际 Arad International

惠普中国 HP, China

滑油 Great Wall Lubricating Oil

中成股份 Into shares

北人集团 BGC

一汽 China FAW

上汽通用 SAIC-GM

北京代 Beijing Hyundai

金德管业 Jinde

国际铜协 International Copper Association

中国家电服务维修协会 Chinese home appliance service and repair Association

方制冷 East Refrigeration

豪特耐中国 Hout resistant Chinese

上海通用五菱 Shanghai-GM-Wuling

可口可乐中国 Coca Cola, China

乐百氏中国 Robust, China

创维集团 Skyworth
